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Spotlight on Our Latest Commercial: Concept to Creation

In 2024 we had the pleasure of crafting a commercial for our client: La Casa Blů.

You can watch the final product here but in this blog post we want to share with you ✨the process✨ of making this commercial come to life.

The Pitch

Women enjoying drinks, smiling; nachos on a table; musicians playing; woman pouring cocktail. Text: La Casa Blü—Tvoje španělská vesnice.
Our cover for the Casa Blů proposal

We started by pitching the idea of creating a commercial to the client. In their 30+ years of being a business they had never done anything like this before, therefore we had to educate them on the process of creating a commercial and the emotional power that a well-crafted commercial can have on a business's potential clients and marketing efforts.

Here we pitched them two ideas and once they looked over them they decided to go with a storyline of a girl who loved coming to this restaurant so much that we get to see her grow and mature, yet chooses "La Casa" for all her big and small moments.

Concept Development: Location Visits & Storyboarding

We developed the concept by fleshing out the details of each scene. Our producer/director, Adri Méndez, and cinematographer, Mihir Kulkarni, visited the location various times to find the best possible way to bring our ideas to life.

Below, you'll see some of the hand-drawn storyboards and details that were made to show the crew how we wanted to capture the story. This also helped narrow down the angles we were going to utilize, the pace of our commercial, how many people were needed for each scene, and what type of props we needed from our art team and the restaurant itself.

Storyboard detailing scenes in a restaurant with sketches and photos. Shows people celebrating, drinking margaritas, and a close-up of a bar.
Storyboards and notes on a scene plus one of the floorplans

Cast & Script

Grid of 10 headshots labeled "Kristýna/David" and "Amigos/Familia", featuring diverse people.
Cast sheet for one of the scenes

Casting this was a breeze! We knew we wanted a diverse cast that would speak to the multiculturalism that is seen in the restaurant every day, and we found a great mix of Prague-based artists that had incredible vibrant energy. The client wanted to direct the commercial to the Czech audience which is why we cast Linda Fialova as our lead/hero actor.

Our script went through many iterations as we got feedback from the client but it was written by our director, Adri, and translated into Czech by our 2nd AD Baru Tomáškova. Our goal was to use as few words as possible to bring across the desired message and aid the visuals in telling the story.

Pre-Production: Schedules, Shot Lists, Call Sheets, Costumes & Props

Adri wrote a post last year on her pre-production outline for short films and that is the outline we used for this commercial as well, since commercials are technically fast-paced, emotionally charged short films. We put together the shot lists, call sheets, prop lists, and more in a week. Take a peak at them below!

Call sheet and shooting schedule for La Casa Blů commercial. Includes cast and crew details, scenes, timings, props, and special instructions.
Call sheet, shooting schedule and prop list overview for our commercial.

Filming Day!

After a month of development and prep, we finally got the whole cast and crew into the restaurant and got to filming. You can see our blooper reel here because we had a lot of fun making this.

We closed off half of the restaurant for the day and promised the client that we would be done filming by 7:00 PM so they could utilize the full restaurant for the Saturday night rush. This meant we technically could not go overtime (which we didn't! 🎉).

Post-Production: Editing & Voiceover

Once we finished filming, the work was not done! We went straight into post-production, editing the commercial together with the voiceover. We recorded it in a professional recording studio in English, Spanish, and Czech, to have 3 different versions that could be used for promoting the restaurant to all its potential client groups.

Final Commercial

To be honest, writing all of this down makes it seem like it was a quick and easy process. It was definitely a smooth process but not an easy one, however thanks to the professionalism of each of our team members, the energy of our cast and crew on set, the creativity and passion we all have for the work, and the openness of our client to try new things, we truly enjoyed this process and can't wait for more!

Watch the final commercial below and let us know if you have a specific topic you'd want us to cover!

With love,

The MZC team :)

The final Casa Blů commercial!

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